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Portable Hydrogen Ionised Water Maker, Electrolyzer Bottle

Portable Hydrogen Ionised Water Maker, Electrolyzer Bottle

通常価格 ¥7,200 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥7,200 JPY
セール 売り切れ

This Portable Hydrogen-Rich Water Electrolyzer is meticulously designed with premium materials such as high borosilicate glass and 304 stainless steel to ensure both quality and safety.

It efficiently produces hydrogen-rich water in just three minutes, boasting an upgraded version with a hydrogen content of up to 1600 for an enhanced visual and experiential delight, complete with romantic lights. The regular model impressively reaches a hydrogen content of 700-800. Ideal for immediate consumption or on-the-go use, this electrolyzer seamlessly fits mineral water bottles, making it a versatile and convenient addition to your lifestyle. 

So what is the science around hydrogen water and the health benefits?

Hydrogen water is simply pure water with extra hydrogen molecules added to it. 
Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless, non-toxic gas that binds to other elements like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon to form various compounds, including table sugar and water.

Water molecules consist of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, but some assert that infusing water with additional hydrogen produces benefits that plain water cannot deliver.

It’s thought that the body can’t effectively absorb the hydrogen in plain water, as it’s bound to oxygen.

Certain companies claim that when extra hydrogen is added, these hydrogen molecules are “free” and more accessible to your body. The product is made by infusing hydrogen gas into pure water before packing it into cans or pouches.

Hydrogen water can be pricey — with one popular company selling a 30-pack of 240-ml cans for £50 or more — and suggesting consumers drink at least three cans per day.

Additionally, hydrogen tablets meant to be added to plain or carbonated water are sold online and in health food stores. Hydrogen water machines are a great option for drinking hydrogen water at home.

Hydrogen water is marketed to decrease inflammation, boost athletic performance, and even slow your aging process. However, research in this area is limited.

Benefits for sports and antioxidants

Hydrogen water is pure water infused with extra hydrogen molecules. It can be purchased in pouches and cans or made at home using special machines.

Though human studies on the benefits of hydrogen water are limited, several small trials have had promising results. Free radicals are unstable molecules that contribute to oxidative stress, a major cause of disease and inflammation. Molecular hydrogen fights free radicals in your body and protects your cells from the effects of oxidative stress (many trusted sources).

In one eight-week study in 49 people receiving radiation therapy for liver cancer, half the participants were instructed to drink 51–68 ounces (1,500–2,000 ml) of hydrogen-enriched water per day.

At the end of the trial, those who consumed the hydrogen water experienced decreased levels of hydroperoxide — a marker of oxidative stress — and maintained greater antioxidant activity after radiation treatment than the control group.

More studies are needed to confirm if drinking hydrogen decreases the effects of oxidative stress in both healthy people and those with chronic conditions.

May benefit those with metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a condition characterised by high blood sugar, increased triglyceride levels, high cholesterol, and excess belly fat. Chronic inflammation is suspected to be a contributing factor (many trusted sources).

Some research shows that hydrogen water may be effective at reducing markers of oxidative stress and improving risk factors related to metabolic syndrome.

One ten-week study instructed 20 people with signs of metabolic syndrome to drink 30–34 ounces (0.9–1.0 litres) of hydrogen-enriched water per day.

At the end of the trial, participants experienced significant reductions in “bad” LDL and total cholesterol, increases in “good” HDL cholesterol, greater antioxidant activity, and reduced levels of inflammatory markers, such as TNF-α.

Many companies promote hydrogen water as a natural way to enhance athletic performance. The product may benefit athletes by reducing inflammation and slowing the accumulation of lactate in the blood, which is a sign of muscle fatigue.

A study in ten male soccer players found that athletes who drank 51 ounces (1,500 ml) of hydrogen-enriched water experienced lower levels of blood lactate and decreased muscle fatigue after exercise compared to a placebo group.

Another small two-week study in eight male cyclists demonstrated that the men who consumed 68 ounces (2.0 litres) of hydrogen-enriched water daily had greater power output during sprinting exercises than those who drank regular water.

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