Goddess Kamalatmika (1880-1885) from the Original, Framed Art Print
Goddess Kamalatmika (1880-1885) from the Original, Framed Art Print
Public domain art from The MET Museum, digitally enhanced in high resolution. Lithograph, printed in black with hand-colouring in watercolour and selectively applied glaze.
Goddess Kamalamika. Origin: West Bengal, Calcutta.
The beautiful and benign goddess Kamalamika, the “[red] lotus lady,” is a tantric form of Lakshmi, Hinduism’s embodiment of all that is auspicious and abundant. As the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi is most often depicted being lustrated by heavenly elephants where she is known as Gaja-Lakshmi.
In her esoteric aspect as Kamalamika, she is enthroned on a red-lotus pedestal that rises from the silvered waters of a mountain lake, evoking her divine nature. Another flower bud serves as her footrest. In her four arms she displays lotus buds and a bloom and extends auspicious gestures to her devotees. In the heavenly skies above four white elephants hold golden pitchers (lota) in their extended trunks, allowing the waters to cascade upon the head of the goddess, empowering her with the life affirming waters that ensure abundance in all things. Ice-grey mountains rise majestically behind her, framing her in the glowing white of the Himalayan peaks beyond.
Place great art for your interior decor with this durable wood-framed poster. Frame comes in black or white and is available in seven versatile sizes.
.: Museum-quality custom frames
.: Matte premium paper
.: Plexiglass front
.: For indoor use
.: Multiple sizes
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