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Crystal Crow Figurine

Crystal Crow Figurine

通常価格 ¥6,100 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥6,100 JPY
セール 売り切れ

The symbolism of the crow is steeped in ancient folklore and mythology. According to some sources, the number of crows a person sees can be interpreted as a sign of good or bad luck, depending on the context.

For example, if you see one crow, it may be viewed with negative connotations or seen as a bad omen of death or misfortune, while seeing multiple crows is often associated with rejoicing and good fortune depending on the number.

In old cultures, the crow spirit animal guides the souls of death into another world but the meaning has changed to evolve into new beginnings.

Steeped in ancient cultures, the crow is a powerful symbol with a variety of meanings. In Welsh mythology and Celtic mythology, The Celtic people also hold crows as a symbol of wisdom and good fortune in folklore through a crow totem. There is a goddess known as the Morrighan who appears in the form of a crow.

In Norse mythology, the God Odin had two crows, one representing thought and other representing memory. The bird species served as messengers to inform everyone of the things taking place in the kingdoms.

Check out this natural obsidian crystal crow carved sculpture, made from 100% quartz crystal. Size 53 cm x 40 cm.

Consider this as a talisman in your home, usually kept by the door. Crows show up to let you know that there are spiritual shifts happening around you and remind you to pay attention to the spiritual messages that are sent to guide you. They represent transformation, cycles, psychic tools, and insight into unseen realms. Crows are problem solvers and can help you tune into a solution when you are faced with a challenge. 


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